WikiTransformation Usages

WikiTransformation Usages

Wikidot drives its parser and renderer through the Wikidot\Utils\WikiTransformation class, which has a large number of fields and methods, making it difficult to determine exactly what the contract of the class is intended to be.

Here we will document all the present usages of WikiTransformation to see what expectations and usecases it has, to be able to design the interface of WikitextBackend.

FeedModule.php, FrontForumModule.php:

$wt = new WikiTransformation(); $wt->setMode("feed"); $template = $wt->processSource($format);

ForumPreviewPostModule.php, ForumAction.php:

$wt = new WikiTransformation(); $wt->setMode('post'); $body = $wt->processSource($source);


$source = $revision->getText(); $wt = new WikiTransformation(); $body = $wt->processSource($source);

PMAction.php, PMPreviewModule.php:

$wt = new WikiTransformation(); $wt->setMode('pm'); $body = $wt->processSource($source);


$wt = new WikiTransformation(); $wt->setMode('pm'); $message->setBody($wt->processSource($message->getBody()));


$wt = new WikiTransformation(); $wt->setPageUnixName($pl->getParameterValue("page_unix_name")); /* snip */ if ($templatePage) { $source = $wt->assemblyTemplate($source, $templatePage->getSource()); } $result = $wt->processSource($source);


$tr = new WikiTransformation(); $content = $tr->processSource($source);


$wt = new WikiTransformation(); $wt->setPage($page); $result = $wt->processSource($source);
private function assemblySource($source, $templateSource, $page = null) { $t = new WikiTransformation(false); return $t->assemblyTemplate($source, $templateSource, $page); }


if ($separation) { $wt = new WikiTransformation(); $wt->setMode("list"); $wt->setPage($page); $b = $wt->processSource($b); $b = "<div class=\"list-pages-item\">\n" . $b . "</div>"; //$b = "[[div class=\"list-pages-item\"]]\n".$b."\n[[/div]]"; }
if (!$separation) { $prependLine = $this->_readParameter('prependLine'); $appendLine = $this->_readParameter('appendLine'); $wt = new WikiTransformation(); $wt->setMode("list"); $glue = "\n"; $itemsContent = $wt->processSource(($prependLine ? ($prependLine . "\n") : ''). implode($glue, $items) . ($appendLine ? ("\n". $appendLine) : '')); } else { $itemsContent = implode("\n", $items); }


// purify??? $wt = new WikiTransformation(); $out = $wt->purifyHtml($out); return $out;


$wt = new WikiTransformation(); $wt->setMode("list"); $wt->setPage($page); $content = $wt->processSource($b); $d = utf8_encode("\xFE"); $content = preg_replace("/" . $d . "module \"([a-zA-Z0-9\/_]+?)\"(.+?)?" . $d . "/", '', $content); $content = preg_replace(';(<.*?)(src|href)="/([^"]+)"([^>]*>);si', '\\1\\2="'.GlobalProperties::$HTTP_SCHEMA . "://" . $site->getDomain().'/\\3"\\4', $content); $content = preg_replace(';<script\s+[^>]+>.*?</script>;is', '', $content); $content = preg_replace(';(<[^>]*\s+)on[a-z]+="[^"]+"([^>]*>);si', '\\1 \\2', $content);


$wt = new WikiTransformation(); // strip the Wiki processing $wt->wiki->rules = array( 'Include', 'Prefilter', 'Delimiter', // 'Moduledelimiter', 'Code', 'Raw', 'Modulepre', 'Module', 'Module654', 'Comment', 'Math', // 'Freelink', // 'Equationreference', //'Footnote', //'Footnoteitem', //'Footnoteblock', //'Bibitem', //'Bibliography', //'Bibcite', //'Divprefilter', //'Anchor', //'User', 'Heading'); $compiled = $wt->processSource($source);

Overall, I would group this in a few categories:

  • Generating RSS feeds

  • Compiling forum posts

  • Compiling private messages

  • Compiling page text

    • Includes the Outdater, which has a bit of notable logic around page invalidation.

  • Handling _template pages

  • ListPages

  • Miscellaneous

    • Social bookmarks, only for “purifying”

    • WDEditUtils, which does page sectioning


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