Projects and Issues

Projects and Issues

This Atlassian organization has several projects within it to host various aspects of SCP Wiki operations and Wikijump development. The projects relevant for the latter are detailed below:


The project this Confluence document is contained in is WD (Wikidot). It does not have any issues, but rather houses documentation. This includes Wikidot research, Wikijump planning and architecture, and related documents.


The project housing all Wikijump progress, bugs, and upcoming features is WJ (Wikijump). Developers may create issues here directly, and have the ability to edit, comment on, and change the status of these issues. Additionally, members of the Wikijump Security Team may limit the visibility of issues if they are sensitive.


The project housing any suggestions, comments, or bug reports from the public is HELP (Helpdesk). Members of the public may create issues here, which are managed by the project team.

If an issue is a duplicate of another helpdesk issue, or an issue in the main Wikijump board, it is linked as such, and can be closed.

If an issue is determined to have merit, an associated Wikijump issue may be created by a project member, and linked to the original helpdesk issue. (Specifically using “WJ-XX causes HELP-XX”). This Wikijump issue can then be modified or developed on as appropriate. When it is resolved, both it and the helpdesk issue are closed.

Question or one-off helpdesk issues may be closed after a solution or response is given, depending on the situation.

Only spam issues or those created in bad faith may be directly deleted, with a witness from another project member, similar to the SCP Wiki page deletions process.

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